Last Summer, around Pennsic-time, Their Majesties asked the Order of the Silver Lamp to supply Them with gifts and largesse for Them to take to Pennsic and give to Their Royal Cousins.

The ground fabric is even-weave cotton. I've forgotten what size, maybe 28 count? The quarter in the off-frame picture should help give some idea of the scale.
I used two strands of Medici wool embroidery yarn. I used colors I had on hand, and ones that reminded me of the earth tones the current Crown favored. I wasn't thrilled with the coverage in some areas, but when I started using shorter lengths of thread, that seemed to fix most of those problems.
The pouch was lined in linen and sewn with linen thread. The tassels and drawstring are more of the Medici wool.
I was really pretty happy with this piece, and hope that whomever ended up with it enjoys it. I believe that it ended up in the Court of Their Majesties of the West.
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