Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Greetings Gleann Abhann!

We are proud to announce Gleann Abhann's first Art Wars, which will be held at Athenaeum II on April 18th, 2009.

What is Art Wars???

Art Wars is a team A&S competition where all of the construction is done on site. The competition will begin at a stated time on Friday night and end at a specific time Saturday afternoon (what times will depend on how many teams we have, and how long we think judging will take).


Each team can have a maximum of 8 points.

3 points- Laurels participating in their field of study

2 points- Laurels outside their field of study; GOA - level A&S Awards (any kingdom) participating in their field

1 point- GOA- Level A&S outside their field, and everyone else

Points will be “locked” as soon as a team is registered.

Skill Levels:

Teams need to decide and declare what skill level they wish to participate at. Teams will only compete against other teams in their skill level. Please try to challenge yourselves!

Beginner- Note card style documentation; Allowed to leave site to get more materials if needed; no Laurels or GOA -A&S awards allowed on beginner teams.

Intermediate- Good documentation expected; Allowed to leave site to get more materials

Expert- Thorough documentation expected; NOT allowed to leave site to get more materials.


Again, teams will only be competing against other teams in their category.




Textile Arts (NOT clothing)

Calligraphy/ Illumination


Armor work (all mediums)

Open Miscellaneous (pretty much anything else)


Your team is required to supply any and everything you need for your project. Electricity will be available, but you should assume you need power-strips and extension cords. You'll probably need your own tables and chairs, too.

Certain, larger materials will be allowed minimal cuts to ease transportation, but most materials should be in their most basic forms.

Patterns, designs, etc... may be created before you get onsite, but may not be drawn onto your materials.


Research should be done in advance and documentation may be prepared in advance. The expectations for documentation rise with skill level. Documentation should be presented in a well-organized manner. It can be written or delivered verbally, but sources are expected in the higher level categories.


Judging will use the Kingdom Standards for the categories. These can be found on the kingdom webpage, under Officers, then Arts and Sciences. Judging will be done by qualified members of the kingdom, although judges are not allowed to judge a category and skill level that they themselves have entered.

The team in each category and skill level with the most points wins! In case of a tie, I'm sure we will have some sort of Royal decision.


If you are interested in donating prizes for any of the categories/skill levels, or for any special challenge, please contact me. Please remember that this is a team contest, and prizes should be sharable.

Team Sign Up:

To register your team, please send the following information to Countess Kenna at SperryW at Yahoo dot com:

Team Captain

Team Members

Total points


Skill Level

If you have any questions, please contact Countess Kenna.

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